Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rant Rant Rant...

Good news:  I finally have consistent internet access! No more homework on my phone!

Bad news:  I had my first run in with a motorist today while on my bike.  

So instead of summarizing the last few weeks with a lengthy, elaborate post with tons of personal quips and photos, I will instead embark on a little rant...

Today, I headed south for a short 45 minute ride on the ole' Cannondale aka "The Anchor".  I skipped my ride this morning because of inclement weather predictions, but as TriJayhawkRyan eluded to, the weather has fine.  I decided to wait until after work to get the ride in, and left at 7:00pm, well after the rush of drivers heading home from work.  South Kansas City can get pretty gridlocked and traffic-y at times, but it usually dies down after 6:30pm.  I was cruising along, feeling good and not exactly pushing too hard.  I'm still new to the area, so it was nice just to get out and see the new streets.  I didn't have a pre-set route, just hopped on the bike and left.

About 30 minutes into my ride, I almost got clipped by some douche in a Camry.  To say that he was close would be a serious understatement.  I could see the freakin' briefcase on his passenger seat, as if I was standing right next to his door.  I am actually amazed the mirror didn't graze my left shoulder.  And to add some insult to "almost" injury, he gave me the "one finger salute" as he hauled ass away, as if I was in the wrong. I wasn't in the middle of the road, was riding on the right side in the right lane on a 2 lane one way street, but "apparently" I had done something illegal.  I was pretty rattled as I rolled up to the next stop.  Thankfully, someone in a Tahoe asked if I was hit, and made sure that I was alright.  He was obviously worried that I got hit and said he could of sworn I got knicked on the shoulder by the mirror.

In a way I'm not surprised.  Well, I guess a little bit.  The only surprise to me is that it hasn't happened sooner.  Every cyclist/triathlete I have talked to about group rides or training routes has mentioned "close calls" with motorists.  I even know a few that have been hit.  Scary, but I guess that's all part of the game.  It's a risk riding in the city, expecting drivers to pay attention, but you can never be too sure.  

Okay, let me summarize the 3 foot rule that WENT INTO EFFECT JULY 1ST IN KANSAS: 
"The driver of a vehicle overtaking a bicycle proceeding in the same direction shall pass to the left thereof at a distance of not less than three feet ..." 

So if you are driving in the state of Kansas and see a cyclist ahead, please just make sure you are AT LEAST 3 feet away when you pass.  You can kill a cyclist pretty easily. And if you are driving a Tan Toyota Camry in the Kansas City area and you notice a 25 year old guy giving you the "you are dead to me","pissed" look in your general direction, well sorry.  I'm dealing with it. 

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